Partisans miss the interesting issues.
There has been a lot of huffing and puffing from the usual suspects over the so-called wiretapping "scandal." Much of this is driven by the desire of partisans to further their own agenda. But responsible observers need to ponder the constitutional issues here, which are fascinating. It should be interesting to see how this all unfolds over the course of the next several decades.
Partisans of the angry left need to understand that matters such as this cannot be resolved or even understood quickly. They need to look at Bush's actions and use them as an opportunity for self-reflection. Why are they not supporting Bush? What inadequacies drive them? After all, little that has occurred over the course of the Bush presidency is so simple as it was in the 1990s, when it was quite clear that Bill Clinton was a sexual predator who deserved public humiliation. That was a much more innocent time.
But again, the constitutional subjects involved with the FISA case are highly intriguing and worth elucidating in detail by experts.
Partisans of the angry left need to understand that matters such as this cannot be resolved or even understood quickly. They need to look at Bush's actions and use them as an opportunity for self-reflection. Why are they not supporting Bush? What inadequacies drive them? After all, little that has occurred over the course of the Bush presidency is so simple as it was in the 1990s, when it was quite clear that Bill Clinton was a sexual predator who deserved public humiliation. That was a much more innocent time.
But again, the constitutional subjects involved with the FISA case are highly intriguing and worth elucidating in detail by experts.
The issues are of course not so confusing to us Constitutional Law Scholars. But they are of course impenetrable to those without this expertise. To us, they are instead interesting for many reasons, all of which can be easily explained.
Professor Altmouse, if someone thought you had made a claim that was, well...not entirely 100% factual, and they wanted you to evaluate their counterargument...
Would you say that they were being abusive, or merely unhelpful?
"May I have 10,000 marbles, please?"
Nim, here at Altmouse I of course welcome comments, even critical ones. I believe in the free and open exchange of ideas.
But I reserve the right to do what I want with comments that cross the line, especially vicious, partisan attacks on my "accuracy" with respect to facts.
I would advise you to pick up the quality of your comments and engage in honest self-reflection.
This is very interesting site... »
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