If boredom were Camille Paglia, would that be interesting?
I was recently disinvited to a dinner with Camille Paglia. That is a shame. Our conversation would have been scintillating.
MORE: I was thinking about boredom lately as I was reading some blog posts. No, not your blog. Is boredom partisan? I was of course not bored. I was very interested. Is it very interesting to talk about boredom? B -O -R - E- D -O - M. It occurs to me that the word "boredom" looks like the word "bedroom" if you read it very quickly. Many lawprofs are boring. Why are they so boring? I need to look up the word "boredom" on the Google. Hold on a sec.
UPDATE: I'm wondering if the stories about nuking Iran are true. Would the nuking be partisan? Or the stories about the nuking?
UPDATE: Kellie Pickler go lickler banana fo-fana-bo-bickler, Kellie Pickler!
UPDATE: Some people say that Robin Williams has made many movies that are a little bit mawkish. What do you think?
UPDATE: Look, a ball of twine! How fun!
MORE: I was thinking about boredom lately as I was reading some blog posts. No, not your blog. Is boredom partisan? I was of course not bored. I was very interested. Is it very interesting to talk about boredom? B -O -R - E- D -O - M. It occurs to me that the word "boredom" looks like the word "bedroom" if you read it very quickly. Many lawprofs are boring. Why are they so boring? I need to look up the word "boredom" on the Google. Hold on a sec.
UPDATE: I'm wondering if the stories about nuking Iran are true. Would the nuking be partisan? Or the stories about the nuking?
UPDATE: Kellie Pickler go lickler banana fo-fana-bo-bickler, Kellie Pickler!
UPDATE: Some people say that Robin Williams has made many movies that are a little bit mawkish. What do you think?
UPDATE: Look, a ball of twine! How fun!