Glenn talks about me in his new podcast. Where is Helen in that podcast, though? Perhaps she was worried about being attacked by Democratic political operatives, like this
person, who apparently cannot stop attacking her without betraying a pathological hatred of men. Honestly, it is very hard to tell who these people hate more, men or women. I have
explained this before. Why should I have to explain it again? There are all these fervid polibloggers gasping with horror at everything I say -- even in the comments! Why do they do this if they are not going to remember all of my arguments, all of which have substance?
Q: Didn't you say that it was stupid to call someone stupid, but then you called
the bad Glenn stupid?
A: Yes. But then I am like Walt Whitman. Obviously! And you are ignoring the context, where I proved that Glenn Greenwald writes like a slimeball because his posts are very long and he never links to me except sometimes.
Q: Oooh, mittens!

A: What a hoot!
UPDATE: I listened to the podcast, though it was hard to push the "play button" because I was wearing my mittens. Glenn talks about how to get traffic at your blog. He neglects to mention how annoying it is when people like Andrew Sullivan pick blogfights with you and then refuse to give you a link. But he also talks about how inexcusably rude this
TRex character was to me at a
blogger party. He "growled and kept on typing" at me!
It was not very brave of her to do this. It was passive-aggressive! If there is one thing I dislike, it is passive-aggressiveness. It's almost as bad as childish sarcasm. I hate childish sarcasm! It is boring and deeply unserious.
It is also very ironic that someone named "T-Rex" would be passive-aggressive. That dinosaur was not passive-aggressive at all! Not like the Trachodon. That dinosaur was very passive-aggressive and never engaged in a process of sincere self-reflection. What a stupid dinosaur.
UPDATE: Looks like this
totally humorless blog is getting all snippy! Oooooh, how
horrible I am! What a
stinker! Like their blog is so
cool. And they are so
cool. Doobooly DER-
Why do all my enemies think that everything needs to be so
serious all the time? They are so silly! And I hate how they change the "rules" halfway through any "debate." That is so
UPDATE: Hee hee! I think underpants worn by bloggers named "Glenn" should be called "Glennderpants." Bad Glennderpants would be the kind that Britney Spears does not wear because they are itchy.